Подземелье профессора СнейпаФотографии профессора СнейпаАлан РикманНовый переводИнтервью с Ричардом ХаррисомСтатьи — Словарь — Potter. Гарри ПоттерСвязи и линкиКнига заклинанийДжоанна Кэтлин РоулингХронологияИнтервью со Стивом КлоувзомДействующие лица и исполнителиФотографии, картинки, рисункиСнейп-чатКарманная энциклопедияFan-Fiction"Яхта 'Лопе де Вега'

Глоссарий Гарри Поттера | Harry Potter's Glossary

Potter Glossary

(Будет по-возможности пополняться, сотрудничество приветствуется)


Аббот Ханна (ABBOTT, HANNAH):
Ученица школы Хогвартс (Дом Хаффлпаф).

Агриппа (AGRIPPA):
Известный исторический персонаж, волшебник, изображение которого имеется в наборе коллекционных карт "Известные волшебники и ведьмы" (`Famous Wizards and Witches`).

Анимагус (ANIMAGUS):
Ведьма или волшебник, способный принимать образ животного.

Аппарация / Дисаппарация (APPARATE / DISAPPARATE):
Способность ведьмы или мага исчезать в одном месте и появляться в другом почти в тот же момент.

Арагог (ARAGOG):
Гигантский паук, воспитанный Хагридом в годы обучения в Хогвартсе. Был ошибочно заподозрен в том, что именно он являлся тем чудовищем, которое было заперто в Секретной Камере (Chamber of Secrets). Хагрид контрабандой вынес А. из Хогвартса и отпустил в Запретном Лесу. Впоследствии А. женился на Мозаг и стал отцом огромного количества потомков.

Аурор (AUROR):
Темный маг-тюремщик.

Азкабан (AZKABAN)
: Тюрьма для волшебников.


Бэгшот, Батильда (BAGSHOT, BATHILDA)
Ведьма. Автор книги "История магии" (`A History of Magic`)

Барон, Кровавый (BARON, THE BLOODY)
Привидение, обитающее в Хогвартсе. Чрезвычайно злобное существо, является призраком дома Слизерин.

Бэйн (BANE)
Кентавр, которого Гарри встречает в Запретном лесу. Б. не особенно дружелюбно настроен к людям.

Баруффио (BARUFFIO)
По мнению профессора Флитвика, это злосчастный волшебник, который сказал "Ф" вместо "С" и оказался лежащим на полу с буйволом на груди.

Василиск (BASILISK)
Король Змей, чудовище, заключенное внутри Секретной Камеры, способное убивать взором. Впервые было выпущено Томом Марволо Риддлом (Tom Marvolo Riddle), позднее прославившимся под именем Лорда Вольдеморта, а после того Джинни Уизли (Ginny Weasley), сознанием которой управлял Риддл (посредством волшебного дневника). Поразив нескольких учащихся, включая Гермиону Грейнджер (Hermione Granger), чудовище пало жертвой Гарри Поттера, который оказался вооружен шпагой Годрика Гриффиндора (Godric Gryffindor).

Бэйлисс, Хетти (BAYLISS, HETTY)
"Маггл", которая увидела волшебную машину, управляемую Гарри и Роном.

Битер (BEATER):
Игрок команды Квиддитч. Битеры отражают нападения мячей-Бладжеров (Bludgers) на членов своей команды.

Бёбатон, Академия магии (BEAUXBATONS ACADEMY OF MAGIC):
Еще одна школа колдовства и магии. Соревнуется с Хогвартсом и Дурмстрангом (Durmstrang) в турнире Трех Магов (Triwizard Tournament) в книге "Огненный Кубок" (GOBLET OF FIRE).

Белл, Кэти (BELL, KATY)
Ученица Хогвартса, чейзер (Chaser) в команде квиддитч дома Гриффиндор.

Берти Боттз, драже со вкусом всего (BERTIE BOTT'S EVERY FLAVOR BEANS):
Магические драже, имеющие в буквальном смысле любую начинку, включая шпинат и печень.

Билиус, дядя (BILIUS, UNCLE)
Дядя Рона Уизли, который умер спустя сутки после того, как увидел "мрак" (grim).

Биннз, профессор (BINNS, PROFESSOR)
Единственный учитель-привидение в Хогвартсе, преподает историю магии. Его уроки самые скучные в школьном расписании.

Сириус Блэк (SIRIUS BLACK)
"Узник Азкабана" (`The Prisoner of Azkaban`). Близкий друг Джеймся и Лили Поттеров, по их просьбе ставший крестным отцом Гарри. СБ – анимагус, который иногда принимает вид злобной черной собаки по имени Пэдфут (Padfoot). Ошибочно заподозренный в намеренном causing an explosion which caused the death of thirteen people, Black was imprisoned in Azkaban. He escaped, but after a huge manhunt he was recaptured and held at Hogwarts awaiting the receipt of the Dementor`s Kiss. However, Harry had discovered that Sirius was innocent of the crimes of which he was accused and, with the aid of his friend Hermione and her Time Turner, managed to set him free. Unfortunately the Ministry of Magic still believed Black to be guilty, so he was forced to go on the run once again. He was last seen flying into the distance on the back of Buckbeak, Hagrid`s hippogriff.

Бласт-эндид скрютз (BLAST-ENDED SKREWTS):
Злобные крабоподобные существа, выведенные Хагридом, за которыми вынуждены ухаживать Гарри и его соученики в "Огненном кубке" (GOBLET OF FIRE).

Учащийся Хогвартса. During Harry`s first year he plays Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Бладжер (BLUDGER):
Один из мячей для игры в квиддитч, летающий по полю с целью сбивать игроков с метел.

Боггарт (BOGGART):
Чудовище, меняющее форму; принимает форму того, что, как оно предполагает, должно испугать человека больше всего.

Боул (BOLE)
Учащийся Слизерина, (Slytherin) битер (Beater) команды Дома Слизерин.

Боунзы (BONES, THE)
Известная семья волшебников, многие члены которой пали от руки Вольдеморта.

Боунз, Сюзанна (BONES, SUSAN)
Учащаяся Хогвартса. Сокурсница Гарри, Дом Хафлпаф (Hufflepuff).

Боргин, мистер (BORGIN, MR.)
Совладетель фирмы "Боргин и Бэркс" (Borgin and Burkes), магазина, торгующего принадлежностями для Темных Искусств (Dark Arts) в Ноктюрновой Аллее (Knockturn Alley).

Бут, Терри (BOOT, TERRY)
Студентка Хогвартса (Дом Рейвенкло).

Боттс, Берти (BOTTS, BERTIE)
Известен своими драже со вкусом всего (`All Flavour Beans`), which can shock as well as delight, as they can be vomit flavoured as easily as vanilla.

Броклхэрст, Мэнди (BROCKLEHURST, MANDY)
Студентка Хогвартса (Дом Рейвенкло).

Браун, Лаванда (BROWN, LAVENDER)
Студентка Хогвартса (Дом Гриффиндор).

Гиппогриф Хагрида. Wrongly thought to be dangerous after he bit Draco Malfoy, he was sentenced to be executed by the Ministry of Magic. Rescued by Harry and Hermione`s use of the Time Turner. Last seen aiding in the escape of Sirius Black.

Буботруберсы (BUBOTUBERS):
Волшебные растения, похожие на slugs. Their pus has healing qualities, but can also cause painful blisters when it comes directly in contact with skin.

Булстроуд, Миллисент (BULSTRODE, MILLICENT)
Студентка Хогвартса (Дом Слизерин).


Кадоган, сэр (CADOGAN, SIR)
Рыцарь, обитающий в портрете возле Северной Башни (North Tower) Хогвартса. Смелый и and chivalrous, he was the only painting who was willing to replace the Fat Lady as the guardian of Gryffindor Tower. This was only a temporary arrangement though, and he soon returned to his own canvas.

Канареечный крем (CANARY CREAM):
Деликатес, превращающий того, кто его съел, в канарейку. Изобретение Фреда и Джорджа Уизли.

Cекретная камера (CHAMBER OF SECRETS):
Скрытая комната внутри Хогвартса, построенная более тысячи лет назад Салазаром by Salazar Slytherin, one of the school's four founders. По легенде, лишь истинный потомок и наследник Слизерина может открыть камеру и выпустить жуткого монстра, который обитает внутри.

Чанг, Чо (CHANG, CHO)
Студентка Хогвартса. An excellent Quidditch player who represents Ravenclaw at Seeker. Похоже, что Харри к ней неравнодушен.

Чейзер (CHASER):
Игрок в квиддитч. Чейзеры стараются забить гол с помощью мяча Квофл (Quaffle).

Шоколадные лягушки (CHOCOLATE FROGS):
Популярная волшебная сладость.

"Чадли кэннонз" (CHUDLEY CANNONS):
Любимая команда квиддитч Рона.

Цирцея (CIRCE)
Знаменитая ведьма прошлого, портрет которой включен в серию коллекционных открыток "Знаменитые волшебники и ведьмы" (`Famous Wizards and Witches`).

Клиарвотер, Пенелопа (CLEARWATER, PENELOPE)
Студентка Хогвартса, префект Дома Рейвенкло. Penelope is petrified by the Basilisk but is later restored to health. She is also Percy Weasley`s girlfriend.

Клиодна (CLIODNE)
Легендарная ведьма, портрет которой включен в серию коллекционных открыток "Знаменитые волшебники и ведьмы".

(Крабб) CRABBE Слизеринец. Один из друзей и телохранителей Драко Малфоя.

Криви, Колин (CREEVEY, COLIN)
Студент Хогвартса, Дом Гриффиндор. Он на год младше Гарри, перед которым преклоняется к вящему раздражению последнего.

Крокфорд, Дорис (CROCKFORD, DORIS)
Ведьма, которую Гарри встречает во время своего первого визита в "Дырявый котел". (The Leaky Cauldron).

Круциатус, проклятие (CRUCIATUS CURSE)
Проклятие Круциатус относится к трем запрещенным Непрощаемым Проклятиям (Unforgivable Curses). Вызывает сильную боль и используется для пыток. "Crucio!"


"Дэйли Профет" (DAILY PROPHET)
Волшебная газета.

Темная метка (DARK MARK)
Знак черепа и змеи, символ Вольдеморта. It appears in the night sky during the Quidditch World Cup. It's said that the Death Eaters, Voldemort's followers, display the sign whenever they have killed.

Пожиратели смерти (DEATH EATERS)
Название группы Темных Волшебников, последователей Вольдеморта.

День смерти (DEATHDAY)
В этот день привидение отмечает годовщину того дня, когда оно стало привидением.

Делани-Подмор, Сэр Патрик (DELANEY-PODMORE, SIR PATRICK) Привидение. Сэр Патрик – глава Безголовой Охоты (Headless Hunt). Он отказывает Почти Безголовому Нику во вступлении вряды охотников ввиду того, что Ник – не может швырять свою голову (`headjuggle`).

Дементоры (DEMENTORS)
Dark, cloaked, faceless creatures from Azkaban, appearing in Book Three (PRISONER OF AZKABAN), where they are guarding Hogwarts to protect students from Sirius Black. When they get near Harry he gets chilled, clammy and faints. A dementor's kiss will suck out a person's soul.

Деннис (DENNIS)
A member of Dudley Dursley`s gang.

Деррик (DERRICK)
Hogwarts student who is a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Диагональная аллея (DIAGON ALLEY)
Mysterious, magical twisting street of shops where wizards and witches shop for supplies. Gringotts bank located here, also.

Диггл, Дедалус (DIGGLE, DEDALUS)
A wizard with a flair for the dramatic. For example, causing a shower of shooting stars in Kent.

Диггори, Седрик (DIGGORY, CEDRIC)
A student at Hogwarts. A good Quidditch player who is the Hufflepuff Seeker.

Диппет, Профессор Армандо (DIPPET, PROFESSOR ARMANDO)
A wizard. The Headmaster of Hogwarts when the Chamber of Secrets was first opened by Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Добби (DOBBY)
The Malfoy`s house elf. Cruelly treated by them, especially Lucius, until he is freed from their service by Harry.

Дуэльный клу

Hogwarts club where students pair off and cast spells against each other, learning how to defend themselves.

Дамблдор, Албус (DUMBLEDORE, ALBUS)
The current headmaster of Hogwarts, generally regarded as the most powerful wizard alive. One of his most renowned feats was his defeat of the evil wizard Grindelwald in 1945. He is somewhat eccentric, but acts as a kind of unofficial advisor to the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore is very fond of Harry, and often helps him out of trouble when it is necessary.

Дурмстранг (DURMSTRANG)
Another wizarding school in Europe. No one knows its true whereabouts, but people assume it's in the cold Far North

Дорсли, Дадли (DURSLEY, DUDLEY)
Harry`s cousin. A fat, despicable muggle who tries his best to make Harry`s life a misery. He was turned into a pig by Hagrid, which was no less than he deserved. Unfortunately he reverted to human, although he had to go to hospital to have his tail surgically removed. He attends Smeltings School, which has a truly disgusting orange uniform. Dudley seems to get fatter with every book.

Дорсли, Петунья (DURSLEY, PETUNIA)
Harry`s aunt, his mother`s sister. A petty, vindictive woman who spoils her son Dudley terribly.

Дорсли, Вернон (DURSLEY, VERNON)
Harry`s uncle. A fat, moustachioed man who works for Grunnings, a firm which makes drills. He tries to prevent Harry going to Hogwarts, and disapproves strongly of Harry`s magical abilities.


Элфрик .....(ELFRIC THE EAGER)
An infamous wizard of past times who led an unsuccessful uprising.

Эмеррик Злобный (EMERIC THE EVIL)
A famous historical wizard.

Эррол (ERROL)
The Weasley`s owl. Like most things owned by the Weasley`s, Errol is old and well past his best.


Фэнг (FANG)
Hagrid`s pet boarhound.

Толстый монах (FAT FRIAR, THE)
The Hufflepuff house ghost who, as his name suggests, has the appearance of a rotund monk. He is good-humoured and popular with the students.

Толстая леди (FAT LADY, THE)
A portrait which hangs at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower and acts as a guardian. She is attacked by a mysterious assailant in Book 3, and is temporarily replaced by Sir Cadogan.

Фоукс (FAWKES)
Professor Dumbledore`s phoenix. He provides invaluable help to Harry when he fights the Basilisk.

Фигг, миссис (FIGG, MRS.)
A neighbour of the Dursleys who occasionally babysits Harry. Her house smells strongly of cabbage, and she makes Harry look at photographs of her pet cats.

Филч, Аргус (FILCH, ARGUS)
The caretaker at Hogwarts. A nasty, malicious man who delights in making the students as miserable as possible. Although born into a wizard family, he is a squib, meaning that he has no magical ability whatsoever.

Финч-Флетчли, Джастин (FINCH-FLETCHLEY, JUSTIN)
A Hufflepuff who is in the same year as Harry. He is one of the students who is petrified by the Basilisk when it is freed from the Chamber of Secrets. Like the others, he is successfully restored to full health.

Финниган, Симус (FINNIGAN, SEAMUS)
A Gryffindor in Harry`s year at Hogwarts.

Фиренце (FIRENZE)
A centaur who gives Harry a ride in the Forbidden Forest. He is far more friendly and helpful than Bane and Ronan, much to their annoyance.

Фламель, Николас (FLAMEL, NICOLAS)
A famous wizard, owner of the Philosopher`s Stone. Possession of this gives virtual immortality, and at the time of Harry`s first adventure, Flamel is over 600 years old. However the fate suffered by the stone means that he is now mortal, like everyone else. A great friend of Albus Dumbledore, Nicolas lives in Devon with his wife Perenelle.

Фламель, Перенелль (FLAMEL, PERENELLE)
The wife of Nicolas Flamel.

Флит, Ангус (FLEET, ANGUS)
A muggle who sees Harry and Ron during their magical car ride to Hogwarts.

Флетчер, Мундунгус (FLETCHER, MUNDUNGUS)
A colleague of Arthur Weasley at the Ministry of Magic.

Флинг, Маркус (FLINT, MARCUS)
Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. A large, muscular boy who will resort to any tactics in order to win.


Шаровая молния (FIREBOLT)
State-of-the-Art racing broom that can even go faster than a Nimbus Two Thousand. Harry receives one for Christmas in Book Three (PRISONER OF AZKABAN) but doesn't know who it's from

Флитвик, профессор (FLITWICK, PROFESSOR)
The Charms teacher at Hogwarts. A thin, diminutive man who can barely see over his desk. Popular with most of the students.

Флу пудра (FLOO POWDER)
Magical, glittering powder that, when sprinkled, transports a wizard or witch from one place to another in a flash

Флауриш и Блоттз (FLOURISH AND BLOTTS)
Wizard bookstore in Diagon Alley.

Флаффи (FLUFFY)
A huge three-headed dog who guards the trapdoor leading to the Philosopher`s Stone. Rather inappropiately named by Hagrid.

Враг-зеркало (FOE-GLASS)
Магическое зеркало, that shows one's enemies. Moody has one of these.

Запретный лес (FORBIDDEN FOREST)
Forest surrounding Hogwarts. Home to unicorns and other mystical creatures. Very dangerous; Hogwarts students are told to stay away from it.

Фортескью, Флорин (FORTESCUE, FLOREAN)
Owner of the ice-cream parlour on Diagon Alley. An expert on medieval witchburning.

Фабстер, полковник (FUBSTER, COLONEL)
Друг of Marge, Vernon Dursley`s sister, who looks after her dogs when she is away.

Фадж, Корнелиус (FUDGE, CORNELIUS)
Министр магии. Слабый, ineffectual man who is easily influenced by others. Relies on the advice of Albus Dumbledore when he is in trouble.


Галеоны (GALLEONS)
Coins, form of wizard money.

Гилливид (GILLYWEED)
Magical plant that, when eaten, gives a person gills like a fish, allowing her or him to breathe underwater.

Огненный кубок (GOBLET OF FIRE)
A large wooden cup that is filled to the brim with dancing blue flames. It magically selects the contestants for the Triwizard Tournament.

Золотой снитч (GOLDEN SNITCH)
The most important ball in Quidditch. It's fast and hard to catch; must be caught by the Seeker to earn 150 bonus points, which usually wins a game.

Гордон (GORDON)
A member of Dudley Dursley`s gang.

Гошоук, Миранда (GOSHAWK, MIRANDA)
A witch and author. Her series `Standard Book of Spells` is required reading at Hogwarts.

Гойл (GOYLE)
An associate of Draco Malfoy, who acts as a bodyguard rather than a friend.

Грэйнджер, Гермиона (GRANGER, HERMIONE)
Учащаяся школы Хогвартс (дом Гриффиндор). Despite her muggle background, Hermione is one of the best students ever to have entered Hogwarts. She is studious, self-righteous and never admits she is wrong, but despite this she is one of Harry`s best friends. Her knowledge of Charms, Spells and Potions have proved useful on many occasions. Hermione uses a Time Turner to attend extra classes and according to Ron Weasley, her worst fear is a teacher giving her a mark of only 9/10. Hermione was petrified by the Basilisk but was later restored to health.

Грэйнджер, Мистер и Миссис (GRANGER, MR. & MRS.) Родители Гермионы. They are both muggles and work as dentists.

Серая леди (GREY LADY)
Привидение дома Рэйвенкло (Ravenclaw).

Гриндельвальд (GRINDELWALD)
Могущественный темный маг, побежденный Альбусом Дамблдором в 1945 г.

Гринготтс (GRINGOTTS)
Магический банк.

Гриффиндор (GRYFFINDOR)
Один из четырех Домов в школе Хогвартс. Назван в честь Годрика Гриффиндора (Godric Gryffindor), одного из четырех основателей школы. В этом Доме живут Гарри, Рон и Гермиона

Грипхук (GRIPHOOK)
Гоблин из банка Гринготтс (Gringotts). He shows Harry to his personal vault on his first visit there.

Граннан, Альберик (GRUNNAN, ALBERIC)
Известный волшебник прошлого года. Appears in the `Famous Wizards and Witches` cards.

Гриффиндор, Годрик (GRYFFINDOR, GODRIC)
Один из четырех основателей Хогвартса. С помощью его шпаги Гарри убивает Василиска.

Гаджен, Глэдис (GUDGEON, GLADYS)
Преданная поклонница Гилдероя Локхарта (Gilderoy Lockhart).


Хагрид, Рубеус (HAGRID, RUBEUS) Хранитель ключей в Хогвартсе (The Keeper of the Keys). Хагрид is a great bear of a man, "almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide". He is of wild appearance, with a tangle of black hair and beard covering most of his face. He carries a pink umbrella which one soon realises is a disguised wand. Hagrid was originally a student at Hogwarts at the time of the first opening of the Chamber of Secrets. However, his well-known fondness for dangerous creatures coupled with the scheming of Tom Marvolo Riddle led to Hagrid being unjustly expelled from the school. The influence of Albus Dumbledore was instrumental in Hagrid`s appointment as Keeper of the Keys. Hagrid was given the responsibility of introducing Harry to his wizard heritage, and the two immediately became firm friends. Hagrid has a fondness for drinking which occasionally lands him in trouble, for example when a stranger managed to extract from him the secret of how to pass the three headed dog which guarded the Philosopher`s Stone. During Harry`s third year at Hogwarts, Hagrid is given the job of teaching Care of Magical Creatures.

Хедвиг (HEDWIG)
Сова Гарри.

Хенгист из Вудкрофта (HENGIST OF WOODCROFT) Знаменитый волшебник. One of Harry`s Famous Witches & Wizard Cards.

Гермес (HERMES)
Сова Перси Уизли. A gift received from his parents when he became a prefect.

Хиггз, Теренс (HIGGS, TERENCE)
Учащийся Хогвартса. A member of Slytherin, Higgs plays Seeker on the Quidditch team, until replaced by Draco Malfoy.

Гиппогриф (HIPPOGRIFF)
Волшебное существо – наполовину птица, наполовину лошадь.

Волшебная деревня, которую иногда могут по выходным посещать учащиеся Хогвартса (начиная с третьего года) Filled with shops like Zonko's Joke Shop and the Shrieking Shack.

Ханидьюкс (HONEYDUKES)
Поразительный магазин сладостей в Хогсмеде (Hogsmeade).

Хогвартская школа ведовства и магии (HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY)
Школа-"интернат" housed in an old castle where witches and wizards like Harry and his friends learn their craft---and much more.

Хуч, мадам (HOOCH, MADAME)
A teacher at Hogwarts. Students learn how to fly broomsticks under her expert tutelage. She also is closely involved with the Quidditch teams.

Хопкирк, Мафальда (HOPKIRK, MAFALDA)
A witch who works for the Improper Use of Magic Office at the Ministry of Magic. She writes to Harry to warn him not to use magic outside of school after Dobby casts a Hover Charm on Aunt Petunia`s pudding.

Хорнби, Оливия (HORNBY, OLIVE)
A girl at Hogwarts who used to tease Moaning Myrtle about her glasses. She later regretted this when Myrtle began to haunt her.

Хоулер (HOWLER)
A screaming, scolding letter sent by owl. Ron receives one from Mrs. Weasley after he flies the family car without permission.

One of four student houses at Hogwarts. Named for Helga Hufflepuff, one of the school’s four founders.

Хаффлпафф, Хельга (HUFFLEPUFF, HELGA) One of the four founders of Hogwarts. As you may have already worked out, Hufflepuff House is named after her.


Проклятие Империус (IMPERIOUS CURSE)
One of three illegal Unforgivable Curses. When cast, it gives a wizard total control over another person or creature. "Imperio!"

A "silvery gray" cape that makes its wearer invisible. Harry receives it as a Christmas gift in Book One but does not know who it's from. It arrives with a note explaining that the cloak once belonged to Harry's father.


Джиггер, Арсений (JIGGER, ARSENIUS)
The author of Magical Drafts and Potions, one of Harry`s first year textbooks.

Джонсон, Ангелина (JOHNSON, ANGELICA)
Hogwarts student. Plays Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Джордан, Ли (JORDAN, LEE)
A pupil at Hogwarts. Member of Gryffindor House. Lee is a good friend of the Weasley twins. His lively, inventive and completely biased commentary on the school Quidditch matches often puts him at odds with Professor McGonagall.


Кипер (KEEPER)
Player who guards the goal posts in a Quidditch game.

Кеттлебэрн, профессор (KETTLEBURN, PROFESSOR) Teaches Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts until Harry`s third year at school, when he is replaced by Hagrid.

Убивающее проклятие (KILLING CURSE)
One of three illegal Unforgivable Curses. It will kill a person or creature when cast. "Avada Kedavra!"

Автобус ночного рыцаря (THE KNIGHT BUS)
Magical bus that serves as emergency transport for stranded witches and wizards. It picks up Harry in Book Three. (PRISONER OF AZKABAN).

Ноктюрновая аллея (KNOCKTURN ALLEY)
An alleyway of shops devoted to the Dark Arts. An offshoot of Diagon Alley.


"Протекающий котел" (THE LEAKY CAULDRON)
A "tiny, grubby-looking pub" at the entrance to Diagon Alley where witches and wizards hang out.

Town where Tom Riddle and his family once lived. Many years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Riddle and their son Tom were found dead in the house.

Локхарт, Гилдерой, профессор (LOCKHART, PROFESSOR GILDEROY)
Teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts during Harry`s second year. A prolific (and conceited) author, Gilderoy`s books about his supposed exploits fighting dangerous magical creatures has gained him a devoted, mainly female following. After some of his classes Harry begins to think that perhaps Lockhart is not what he claims to be. This is proven to be true during the final battle against the Basilisk, when Lockhart leaves Harry to face the beast alone. He loses his memory during this incident, which hopefully made him a better person.

Лонгботтом, Алджи (LONGBOTTOM, ALGIE)
Neville`s great-uncle.

Лонгботтом, Невил (LONGBOTTOM, NEVILLE)
Студент, member of Gryffindor House. One of Harry`s friends. Although he is from a distinguished Wizard family, Neville is practically a squib. However, despite being accident prone, clumsy, talentless and generally a sad case, Neville manages to win the House Cup for Gryffindor at the end of Book 1. He is brave, loyal and always means well, so everyone can forgive his other shortcomings.

Люпин Ремус, профессор (LUPIN, PROFESSOR REMUS)
Harry`s third year Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. As a result of being bitten by a werewolf as a child, Lupin turns into a werewolf at every full moon. He studied at Hogwarts, and became a close friend of James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. He was known to them by the nickname Moony. He was also one of the makers of the Marauder`s Map. Lupin helps Harry rescue Sirius Black from the Dementors and teaches him how to invoke a patronus. After being revealed as a werewolf by Professor Snape, Lupin is forced to resign from Hogwarts. However, it is expected that we will encounter him in the future.


Макмиллан, Эрни (MACMILLAN, ERNIE)
A Hufflepuff student who thinks for a time that Harry is Slytherin`s Heir and that he opened the Chamber of Secrets. He makes a handsome apology when he discovers that he is wrong.

Макнейр, Уолден (MACNAIR, WALDEN)
Друг Луциуса Малфоя, who works as an executioner for the Ministry of Magic. He seems to take an unwholesome pleasure in his work.

Малькольм (MALCOLM)
A member of Dudley Dursley`s gang.

Малфой, Драко (MALFOY, DRACO)
Учащийся Хогвартса. A member of Slytherin House, Draco is Harry`s arch enemy. An arrogant, treacherous, devious character who, with his lackeys Crabbe and Goyle, tries to get Harry into trouble whenever he can. Draco and Harry meet in Diagon Alley during Harry`s first visit there and dislike each other almost immediately. Draco belongs to an pureblood wizard family who are very wealthy and wield a strong influence over much of the magical community. His background means that he despises those pupils who are from a muggle background, such as Hermione, and he is of the opinion that they should not be allowed to study at Hogwarts. He also looks down on families like the Weasley`s who, although of pure wizard blood, are poor. Draco is a good Quidditch player and represents Slytherin at Seeker. However, he got this position because his wealthy father Lucius supplied the entire Slytherin team with new broomsticks. Harry and Draco clash on numerous occasions throughout the books (too many to list here) and will undoubtedly do so many times in the future.

Малфой, Луциус (MALFOY, LUCIUS)
Отец Драко. A rich and influential wizard, Lucius is one of Hogwarts school governors. He uses this position to attempt to remove Dumbledore, whom he hates, from his position as Headmaster. Lucius has much influence with the Ministry of Magic. Lucius was one of the first wizards to join Voldemort, though he claimed after Voldemort`s defeat that he had been `bewitched`. Anyone with any sense wouldn`t believe this for a minute.

Малкинс, мадам (MALKINS, MADAME)
Улыбчивая приземистая ведьма, владеющая магазином "в Диагональной Аллее. called `Madame Malkin`s Robes For All Occasions`.

Мандрагора (MANDRAKE)
Кричащее растение, которое помогает "вернуть трансфигурированных или подверженных заклятью людей в первоначальное состояние". Пригождается во второй книге (CHAMBER OF SECRETS).

Марж (MARGE)
Сестра Вернона Дорсли. Неприятная женщина, предподчитающая людям собак. After insulting Harry`s parents, she finds herself turned into a gigantic balloon. Unfortunately, two wizards from the Accidental Magic Reversal Department turn her back again.

Марш, мадам (MARSH, MADAME)
Ведьма. Одна из попутчиц Гарри на Автобусе "Ночной рыцарь" (Knight Bus).

Мародерская карта (MARAUDER'S MAP)
Карта, показывающая в деталях замок Хогвартс и окружающую его территорию. Магическим образом показывает передвижение людей по школе. На ней же можно обнаружить секретный проход в волшебную деревню Хогсмед (Hogsmeade).

МакГонагал Минерва, профессор (MCGONAGALL, PROFESSOR MINERVA)
Профессор трансфигурации в Хогвартсе и является главой Дома Гриффиндор. Professor McGonagall is a formidable woman and most of the students like her, but are a little scared of her at the same time. She treats everyone equally, even to the point of deducting points from her own students if she feels it necessary. She also has a keen interest in Quidditch.

Мерлин (MERLIN)
Легендарный исторический маг. Появляется в серии коллекционых открыток "Знаменитые ведьмы и маги".

Миггз, Мартин (MIGGS, MARTIN)
"Безумный магл" (`The Mad Muggle`). Герой книги любимой книги комиксов Рона Уизли.

Мимси-Порпингтон, сэр Николас де (MIMSY-PORPINGTON, SIR NICHOLAS DE) Привидение дома Гриффиндор. Известен также как "Почти безголовый Ник" (Nearly Headless Nick), благодаря тому, что в результате не вполне удачной казни его голова осталась частично прикрепленной к плечам. К его вечному стыду, это означает, что он не может быть допущен к Безголовой Охоте (Headless Hunt).

Министерство магии (MINISTRY OF MAGIC)
Совет магов, основной задачей которого является сохранение существования магов в тайне от маглов.

Зеркало Эризеда (THE MIRROR OF ERISED)
Зеркало, которое Гарри нашел в одной из секретных комнат Хогвартса. Сиотрящий в зеркало видит себя в нем, осуществившим свои сокровенные желания.

Стонущая Миртл (MOANING MYRTLE)
Привидение, обитающее в женских туалетах Хогвартса. Была убита василиском после того, как его впервые выпустили из Секретной Камеры.

Монтегю (MONTAGUE)
Слизеринец. Чейзер в команде квиддитч Слизерина.

Муни ("Лунатик") (MOONY)
Прозвище Ремуса Люпина (Remus Lupin), обязанное своим происхождением его обычаю превращаться в вервульфа в полнолуние.

Моргана (MORGANA)
Известная ведьма прошлого, появляется в серии "Знаменитые ведьмы и маги".

Мозаг (MOSAG)
Гигантский паук, жена Арагога (Aragog).

Мадблад (MUDBLOOD)
Гнусное прозвище людей немагического происхождения, ведьм и магов, родившихся от Маглов, как Гермиона.

Маггл (MUGGLE)
Неволшебник. Например, семья Дорсли и большая часть тех, кто читает этот словарь.

Госпиталь магических недугов и травм Мунго (MUNGO'S HOSPITAL FOR MAGIC MALADIES AND INJURIES).
Место, где маги находятся на излечении.

© Английский источник | The English Source: is here | здесь

A Abbott, Hannah – "pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails"; a Hufflepuff Abyssinian Shrivelfigs – Plants in the Herbology class. Accidental Magic Reversal Squad – a team of rescuers from the Ministry of Magic, also known as Obliviators [4] "Accio" – the summoning charm Acid Pops – candy bought at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade that burns holes in your tongue Ackerley, Stewart – first year Ravenclaw in Book 4. Aconite – a plant used in potions which is also known as 'monkshood' or 'wolfsbane' Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle, The – comic books Ron owns aging potion – potion taken to become older [4] Age Line – magical line Dumbledore uses which prevents anyone under 17 from crossing [4] Agrippa – a wizard depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series [1]; historically, a noted founder in the study of Alchemy Albania – where Bertha Jorkins went on holiday alchemy – a medieval science that is based on turning any metal into pure gold "alohomora" – a spell to unlock doors and windows animagi [an-im-AJ-eye] – wizards (plural) who are able to transform into an animal form Anthology of 18th Century Charms, An – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] Aragog – a huge spider in the forbidden forest animagus [an-im-AJ-us] – a wizard who is able to transform into an animal form "aparecium" – a spell to make invisible ink appear apparate – the magical ability to disappear and reappear at your destination Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe, An – book Hermione read about Beauxbatons Academy of Magic [4] Archie – a very old wizard who tries to pass as a Muggle wearing a long flowery nightgown [4] Arithmancy – a class taken by Hermione, dealing with the study of numbers; an early form of numerology where divination is made through numbers (especially those numbers associated with the letters of a person's name) armadillo bile – a potions ingredient [4] Astronomy – a class at Hogwarts for the study of the galaxy, planets, stars, etc. ..Aunt Marge – Uncle Vernon's sister; she hates Harry and openly insults him Auror – a witch or wizard that tracks down Death Eaters and other bad/dark wizards and takes them to Azkaban. ~Cassie "Avada Kedavra" – worst of the Unforgivable Curses, the killing curse. Flash of blinding green light and rushing sound. Kills without leaving a mark. Avery – a named Death Eater [4] "Avis" – spell which fires birds out of the wand Azkaban – the wizard prison B Baddock, Malcolm – first year Slytherin in Book 4. badger – the mascot for Hufflepuff Bagman, Ludo – head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, full name is Ludovic Bagman [4] Bagman, Otto – brother of Ludo Bagman Bathilda – wrote A History of Magic [1] "Balderdash" – password to get into the Gryffindor Tower [4] Ballycastle Bats – professional Quidditch team [4] "Banana Fritters" – a Gryffindor password [4] Bandon Banshee – banshee banished by a harelipped witch, for which Lockhart took credit Bane – a centaur in the Forbidden Forest; black haired and bodied Bashir, Ali – a wizard who is angry about the embargo on flying carpets [4] Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed – a book Harry looks through [4] Basil – a wizard wearing a muggle "kilt" at the World Cup [4] Basilisk – the King of Serpents; anyone who is fixed with the beam of the giant snake's eyes dies instantly; read about real a real basilisk at Microsoft Encarta or this gaming page. beater – position on Quidditch team; two beaters per team try to protect their teammates from bludgers. They try to redirect the balls toward their opponents. Beauxbatons – a school of witchcraft and wizardry in France [4] Beauxbatons carriage – means by which Beauxbatons students arrive at Hogwarts; pulled by a dozen winged palaminos Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration – one of Ginny Weasley's books [2] Belch Powder – Bell, Katie – Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans – wizard candy coming in every flavor, such as chocolate, peppermint, spinach, liver, tripe and vomit! bezoar – a stone taken from the stomach of a goat which will save one from most poisons Billius (also Uncle Billius) – Ron's uncle who saw a grim and died 24 hours later Binky – Lavendar Brown's pet rabbit Binns, Prof. – a ghost who teaches History of Magic at Hogwarts Black Forest – where Quirrell was rumored to have run into vampires and become "jumpy" Black, Sirius – best friend of James Potter in their Hogwarts days, in Azkaban on murder charges Bladvak – it's Gobbledegook (the language of Goblins) and it means pickaxe [4] Blast Ended Skrewts – a magical creature which look like deformed, shell-less lobsters: horribly pale and slimy-looking, with legs sticking out in odd places and no visible heads. Smell of rotting fish, females have a sucker on their bellies, males have a stinger. [4] Bletchley – Keeper on the Slytherin Quidditch Team [1] blood-flavoured lollipops – treats for vampires Bloody Baron, The – the ghost of the Slytherin Tower. Not much is known about him other than he is very wicked and scary looking; his eyes are blank, black sockets and his robes are covered in silver blood. He is the only "person" who can control Peeves the Poltergeist. ~Amber, Ravenclaw bludger – a jet black Quidditch ball, slightly smaller than a soccer ball; 2 bludgers per game which fly around trying to knock players from their brooms. Can cause serious injury. Boa Constictor – snake at the zoo Harry "talks" to [1] boarhound – the type of dog that Hagrid has (Fang) Bode – a member of the Department of Mysteries Boggart – a shape shifter which takes on the likeness of one's worst fear Bole– Beater on the Slytherin Quiddicth Team [3] Bones', The – a family killed by Voldemort, grandparents of Susan Bones Bones, Susan – student sorted into Hufflepuff Boomslang skin – a potions ingredient [4] boot – a Portkey on Stoatshead Hill [4] Boot, Terry – student sorted into Ravenclaw Borgin and Burke's – Dark Arts store in Knockturn Alley where Harry finds himself after attempting to travel by floo powder Boris the Bewildered – statue on the fifth floor near the Prefect's bathroom bowler – a round black hat; ex. Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, had a bowler... oddly, his was lime green [2] Bozo – Rita Skeeter's photographer [4] Branstone, Eleanor – first year Hufflepuff in Book 4. Brazil – country where the first snake Harry talks to says he wants to go Break With A Banshee – a book by Gilderoy Lockhart that is required for all 2nd years [2] Brocklehurst, Mandy – student sorted into Ravenclaw broom – n. 1. a long handled implement for sweeping with a brush of straw or similar material (Webster's Dictionary definition) 2. a long handled implement made of twigs which witches and wizards use for flying (also used in Quidditch) ~Danny of Gryffindor Broomstick Servicing Kit – a kit containing helpful things to keep a broom in mint condition Brown, Lavender – student sorted into Gryffindor Bryce, Frank – gardener for the Riddle family Bubblehead Charm – charm used to breathe underwater [4] bubotuber – a plant that looks like "thick black giant slugs, protruding vertically out of the soil". [4] (Thanks, Carol) bubotuber puss – from the "pimples" of a bubotuber; smells like petrol, burns if undiluted, but diluted it's a very good medicine to cure acne [4] (Thanks, Carol) Buckbeak – a Hippogriff (a big beast which is half horse and half eagle) Bulgarian Quidditch team – players include Dimitrov, Ivanova, Zograf, Levski, Vulchanov, Volkov and Victor Krum; played in the 422nd World Cup. Mascots are veelas. [4] Bulstrode, Millicent – a Slytherin who duels Hermione during the Dueling Club demos Burrow, The – name of the Weasley home Butterbeer – frothy, buttery hot drink served in Hogsmeade (a favorite of Ron and Hermione) C Cadogan, Sir – slightly demented knight that inhabits a painting on the landing of the seventh floor in Hogwarts. Temporary guardian of Gryffindor Tower in Book Three. Canary Creams – pastry treats invented by Fred and George Weasley that, when bitten into, turns the person into a canary [4] "Caput Draconis" – a password for Gryffindor in the first book Care of Magical Creatures – a class Harry takes in his third year that is taught by Hagrid Catchpole – village near the Weasley family home cauldron – a pot which ingredients are put into to make potions Cauldwell, Owen – first year Hufflepuff in Book 4. Cauldron Cakes – a treat on the Hogwarts Express cart [1] centaur – a mythical creature that is half-horse and half-man. It has the body and legs of a horse, but the arms and face of a man Chamber of Secrets – a secret lair at Hogwarts that Salazer Slytherin built after he lost his battle with Gryffindor Chameleon Ghouls – Creature that can disguise itself as something else. [2] Chang, Cho – a Ravenclaw who is the Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team [3] charm – a magical spell which adds properties to something causing it to change Charm to Cure Reluctant Reversers, A – from Harry's Quidditch Handbook [3] Charm Your Own Cheese – book at the Weasley's home [2] chaser – position on Quidditch team; three chasers per team throw a Quaffle back and forth trying to get it through a goal hoop for 10 points chipolata – served during the Christmas feast in the first book; it is a type of long, skinny banger (sausage), similar in thickness to American breakfast links Chocoballs – a chocolate sweet sold in Honeydukes Chocolate Frogs – a treat on the Hogwarts Express cart which come with Famous Wizards Cards. [1] Chudley Cannons, The – professional Quidditch team Ron admires, they wear bright orange and black robes and are 9th in the league Circe [SIR-see] – a wizard depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series; traditionally a figure from greek mythology, best known for her tendency to turn men into the animals they are most like (mostly pigs and dogs). She appears in two sets of stories, that of Jason and the Argonauts (she helps her niece Medea escape with Jason), and that of the Odyssey. She temporarily turns most of Odysseus's men into swine before she gives them directions home. Thanks to Cathy Weeks Clause 3 of the Code of Wand Use – states no non-human creature is permitted to carry or use a wand Cleansweep Seven – a respected type of broomstick for flying Clearwater, Penelope – a Ravenclaw prefect and is Percy Weasley's girlfriend Cliodna – a druidess depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series; Celtic goddess of beauty and the otherworld club – a symbol which warns of "an attack" in tea leaf reading Cobbing – excessive use of elbows in Quidditch Cockroach Clusters – a rather nasty sweet made of cockroaches sold in Honeydukes "Cockroach Cluster" – used as a password to Dumbledore's office [4] Code of Wand Use – the rules of wand usage [4] codswallop – nonsense, baloney, malarkey, etc. Comet Two-Sixty – the top-of-the-line broom Draco Malfoy has in the first book Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures – an office at the Ministry of Magic protecting against fierce animals Committee on Experimental Charms – office at the Ministry of Magic Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions – a standard health book for magic people Common Room – a general meeting room of each Hogwarts house Common Welsh Green – a breed of wild dragon found in Britain Connolly – a beater on the Irish Quidditch team [4] Cornish Pixies – devilish little fairies that reak havoc Council of Magical Law – passes judgment on lawbreakers [4] Crabbe, Vincent – Draco Malfoy's friend and cohort Creevey, Colin – is a year younger than Harry. Colin is also in Gryffindor and he may be Harry's biggest admirer (after Ginny Weasley). Colin is always following Harry around, trying to take his picture and get his autograph. ~Katy, Ravenclaw Creevey, Dennis – Colin's younger brother; a first year Gryffindor in Book 4. Cribbage's Wizarding Crackers – a wizard treat [4] Croaker – a member of the Department of Mysteries Crockford, Doris – woman Harry meets at his first trip to The Leaky Cauldron [1] Crookshanks – Hermione's cat who scares Scabbers [3] cross – a symbol which warns of “trials and suffering" in tea leaf reading Crouch, Barty – worked for the ministry of magic and he put his son, Barty Jr., in Azkaban. [4] Full name is Bartemius Crouch. Crouch Jr., Barty – sent to Azkaban by his own father [4] Cruciatus Curse – one of the Unforgivable Curses spell tortures victim with extreme pain [4] "Crucio" – spell to activate the Cruciatus Curse [4] Curse of the Bogies – a spell Quirrell told his students about D Daily Mail – the Muggle newspaper Daily Prophet – wizards' newspaper Daisy Root – an ingredient used in a shrinking solution Dark Arts – the practice of evil wizards and dark mythical creatures Dark Force Defense League – [4] Dark Lord, The – see Voldemort Dark Mark – the sign of Voldemort: a skull comprised of emerald stars with a serpent in it's mouth like a tongue in a haze of greenish smoke. Also put on the forearm of Death Eaters [4] Davies, Roger – Ravenclaw's Quidditch Team Captain and Fleur's date to the Yule Ball. [4] Death Eaters – supporters of Voldemort [4] Deathday Party – may be celebrated by a ghost on the anniversary of his/her death Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is Coming – book on death omens in Flourish and Blotts with a picture of a Grim on the cover Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizadry – a law prohibiting young wizards and witches from using magic out of school de-gnoming – removing pesky garden gnomes as described in Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests Delacour, Fleur – a student of Beauxbatons and a contestant in the Triwizard Tournament held at Hogwarts [4] Delacour, Gabrielle – little sister of Fleur Delaney-Podmore, Patrick – leader of the Headless Hunt "Deletrius" – spell used by Amos Diggory to vanish the image of the Dark Mark [4] Dementor – creature who feeds on the happy emotions of humans, leaving one cold and sad. The kiss of the dementor is when the dementor sucks the very soul out of a human, leaving you emotionless. Dementor's Kiss – see Kiss of a Dementor De Mimsy-Porpington, Sir Nicholas (see also Nearly-Headless Nick) – resident ghost of Gryffindor Dennis – a friend of Dudley [1] "Densaugeo" – a spell which causes teeth to grow at an alarming rate [4] Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures – department of the Ministry of Magic Department of International Magical Cooperation – department of the Ministry of Magic Department of Magical Games and Sport – department of the Ministry of Magic Department of Magical Transportation – fines wizards for apparating without a license Department of Mysteries – a top secret department at the Ministry of Magic, members are also known as Unspeakables Derrick – Beater on the Slytherin Quiddicth Team [3] Dervish and Banges – the wizarding equipment store in Hogsmeade Devil's Snare – a plant which entraps anyone who it can reach Diagon Alley – cobbled street where wizards can do their shopping diary of Tom Riddle – diary which holds spirit of Tom Riddle Diddy – a pet name for Dudley from his mother "diffindo" – a spell Harry uses to split open Cedric's book bag Diggory, Amos – father of Cedric Diggory, works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures Diggory, Cedric – Seeker on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and challenger in the Triwizard Tournament held at Hogwarts [4] Diggle, Dedalus – a wizard who made shooting stars fly over Kent, meets Harry in Diagon Alley [1] Dimitrov – Chaser on the Bulgarian Quidditch team [4] Dippet, Prof. – the headmaster when Tom Riddle was at Hogwarts disapparation – a method of travel for experienced wizards, which involves disappearing from one place and reappearing in another disarming spell – removes the wand from an opponent "dissendium" – a spell which opened a secret passage inside a statue Divination – class taken by Harry, Ron and Hermione that deals with fortune-telling and peering into the Past, Present, and Future. It was common during the middle ages. Dobbs, Emma – a Hogwarts student [4] Dobby – a house elf who tries to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts for his second year Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks – a favorite prank of the Weasley twins, they fill the room with red & blue stars that bounce around for at least a half an hour Dolohov, Antonin – a captured Death Eater [4] Dot – a customer at The Hanged Man pub [4] Draco – see Malfoy, Draco "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" – the Hogwarts motto, translates to: "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon" dragons blood – one of the most magical substances known to wizards Draught of Living Death – powerful sleeping potion made of asphodel and wormwood Dreadful Denizens of the Deep – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] dress robes – robes for formal occasions Drooble's Best Blowing Gum – a treat on the Hogwarts Express cart [1] Dueling Club – a club started in Hogwarts to teach about wizard duels Dumbledore, Aberforth – the brother of Albus Dumbledore, once prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat. Dumbledore, Albus – the current headmaster of Hogwarts; he has a long silvery beard, a very crooked nose and he always wears half moon spectacles. Dungbombs – a trick item you can buy at Zonko's Durmstrang– one of the three schools competing in the 422nd Triwizard Tournament Dursley, Dudley – the spoiled and pampered son of Petunia and Vernon Dursley. He is extremely overweight and enjoys hanging out with his gang and beating up his cousin Harry. Now attends Smeltings, his father Vernon's alma mater. Had to have a pig's tail surgically removed from his backside [1] Mrinalini, Hufflepuff Dursley, Petunia – Harry's muggle aunt, sister of Lily Potter Dursley, Vernon – Harry's muggle uncle, Petunia's husband E eagle – the mascot for Ravenclaw Eeylops Owl Emporium – shop on Diagon Alley Egypt – country where Bill Weasley works for Gringotts Elixer of Life – a liquid that has the power to make a wizard or witch live forever Elfric the Eager – subject in History of Magic elves – small creatures which live deep in the Forbidden Forest where they hold midnight feasts and play pranks on the lost passerby. They are actually very nice despite their tricky nature. Emeric the Evil – mentioned in Binns' History of Magic class Enchantment in Baking – book at the Weasley home [2] Encyclopedia of Toadstools – book that Lucius Malfoy gets hit with [2] "Enervate" – a spell to revive someone who is stunned Engorgement Charm – a spell which causes something to grow large Erised – see Mirror of Erised Ernie – driver of the Knight Bus Errol – the Weasley family owl Eton – a muggle school Evans – maiden surname of Lily Potter as stated by JK Rowling in an interview Every Flavor Beans – see Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans "Expecto Patronum" – a spell to guard you from the dementors by conjuring a patronus "Expelliarmus" – disarming charm Exploding Bonbons – a treat found in the Hogsmeade store, Honeydukes Exploding Snap – a game played by wizards F Famous Wizard Cards – trading cards of famous wizards through the ages; packaged with Chocolate Frogs Fang – Hagrid's pet boarhound Fat Friar, The – see Friar Fat Lady, The – woman in a pink silk dress who sits in a portrait and protects the entrance to Gryffindor Fawcett, Miss – a student at Hogwarts who was injured during Dueling Club demos; was caught in the bushes at the Yule Ball with Stebbins of Hufflepuff [4]. Fawcetts, the – a wizard family that couldn't get tickets for the World Cup, they live in the same area as the Weasleys [4] Fawkes – Dumbledore's Phoenix (a bird which dies and is reborn again) "Ferula" – a spell to create a sling Fidelius Charm – an extremely complex charm in which a secret is concealed within a single living soul Figg, Mrs. – Dursley neighbor with whom Harry stayed every year on Dudley's birthday. Filch, Argus – caretaker at Hogwarts Filibuster Fireworks – see Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Staarrt, No-Heat Fireworks Finch-Fletchley, Justin – sorted into Hufflepuff [1] "Finite Incantatem" – a charm used by Snape to end commotion by students Finnigan, Seamus – sorted into Gryffindor, his dad's a muggle, his mother a witch [1] Firebolt – a top-of-the-line broom given to Harry as a gift from an unknown friend Firenze – [FEER-en-zay] a centaur in the Forbidden Forest, young with white-blonde hair and a palomino body Fizzing Whizbees – levitating sherbet balls Flame-Freezing Charm – used by ancient wizarding people (such as Wendelin the Weird) to freeze the flames meant to burn them Flamel, Nicolas – an alchemist and friend of Dumbledore; historically "Flamel was a famous character of his time, an official of the university reputed to be an alchemist. People thought he had got the gold to buy this mansion from finding the philosopher's stone – but really he married a rich widow." [from guidebook Cadogan Paris] Thanks to Jenny Miller Flamel, Perenelle – wife of Nicolas Flamel Flesh-Eating Slugs – pest which infested the Hogwarts cabbages Fletcher, Mundungus – tried to put a hex on Arthur Weasley during a raid, is also on the list of people Dumbledore wants Sirius is to alert in book 4 Fleur – see Delacour, Fleur flibbertigibbet – one of the passwords for Gryffindor house Flint, Marcus – a Chaser and captain of Slytherin Quidditch team Flitwick, Prof. – charms teacher at Hogwarts, head of Ravenclaw house Flobberworm – a harmless, worm-like magical creature which students must keep alive in order to pass Care of Magical Creatures class Floo Powder – a fine powder which allows wizards to travel from one place to another Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour – a shop on Diagon Alley Florence – Della says: "This is the girl that an unnamed Hogwarts boy from the James-Sirius-Remus-Peter-Severus era was caught kissing behind the greenhouse, prompting him to put a hex on Bertha Jorkins -– a tale she tells to Dumbledore that Harry witnesses in the "Pensieve" chapter in Book 4." Flourish & Blotts – a bookshop in Diagon Alley Fluffy – a huge three headed dog protecting a secret chamber at Hogwarts [1] flying carpets – technically defined as Muggle artifacts, although argued to be a family vehicle Flying with the Cannons – a book Harry reads the summer before his 4th year Forbidden Forest, The – a patch of woods on the Hogwarts grounds, off-limits to students Ford Anglia – the Weasley family car, bewitched by Mr. Weasley Friar (or Fat Friar) – resident ghost of Hufflepuff Fridwulfa – a giantess and Hagrid's mother. Fudge, Cornelius – Minister at Ministry of Magic Furunculus curse – curse which causes boils to sprout on one's face G Gadding With Ghouls – name of a book by Gilderoy Lockhart Galleons – gold wizard coin that equals 17 Sickles Gambol & Japes Wizarding Joke Shop – shop on Diagon Alley ghoul – a creature that lives in attics and bangs on pipes while groaning Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests – a book owned by Mrs. Weasley gillywater – a drink available at the Three Broomsticks gillyweed – a plant that looks like rat tails, also in the book Magical Water Plants of the Mediteranean. gnome – see also degnome, a small creature which wreaks havoc in Wizard gardens and must be removed Gobbledegook – the international language of the goblins Goblet of Fire – a large goblet used to tell whoever uses it who will be in the Triwizard Tournament Goblin Liason Office – an office at the Ministry of Magic goblins – run Gringotts, the wizards' bank Gobstones – a marbles-like Wizard game where the pieces squirt a stinky substance when a player loses a point Godric's Hollow – where Lily and James Potter lived before they were killed Golden Snitch (or Snitch) – golden Quidditch ball about the size of a large walnut with tiny silver wings. Quidditch match ends only after the elusive Snitch is caught, earning the catching team 150 points. Gordon – friend of Dudley [1] Goshawk, Miranda – wrote The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) [1] Goyle, Gregory – Draco Malfoy's friend and cohort Gran – Neville's grandmother whom he lived with Granger, Hermione [her-MY-oh-nee] – bushy-haired, buck-toothed, bossy and the smartest pupil at Hogwarts; a Gryffindor Great Auntie Enid – Neville's ancestor Great Hall – main gathering point at Hogwarts Great Hangleton – neighboring town of Little Hangleton [4] Great Humberto, The – a television show airing Monday nights which Dudley enjoys [1] Great Uncle Algie – Neville's ancestor who tried to force magic out of him Gregory the Smarmy – a statue at Hogwarts Grey Lady, The – the ghost of Ravenclaw, unnamed in books 1-3; Jennifer reports: "Hundreds of years ago an earl, John Dudley, tried to take over the English throne with his accomplice, Lady Jane Grey. They where beheaded, but Lady Jane's ghost is still said to be walking around Dudley Castle. Her nickname has been for the past several decades, The Grey Lady ghost." Note from Jenna: the story of John Dudley and Lady Jane Grey is portrayed in the wonderful film, Lady Jane. Grim – a giant black dog one sees as a death omen; when someone sees a Grim, it is believed that he/she will soon die Grindelwald – a dark wizard defeated by Dumbledore in 1945 Grindylow – a water demon Gringotts – wizards' bank hundreds of miles under London, run by Goblins Griphook – a goblin at Gringotts [1] Grubbly-Plank, Prof. – substituted in Care of Magical Creatures for Hagrid. Grunnings – a drill company run by Harry's Uncle Vernon Grunnion, Alberic – a wizard depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series Gryffindor – House at Hogwarts, includes Harry, the Weasleys and Hermione Granger Gryffindor, Godric – the founder of Hogwart's Gryffindor House Gudgeon, Davey – former Hogwarts student nearly lost an eye trying to touch the Whomping Willow Gudgeon, Gladys – one of Lockhart's biggest fans Guide to Medieval Sorcery, A – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] H Hagrid, Rubeus [HAG-rid, roo-BAY-us] – the near-giant-sized Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Hagrid is a former student of Hogwarts who was expelled in his third year. He is in his 60's. half-blood – a witch or wizard who has one wizard parent and one muggle parent Hand of Glory – a withered hand on a cushion which, when a candle is inserted, gives light only to the person holding it Handbook of Do-It Yourself Broomcare – a book Hermione gives to Harry Hanged Man, The – the village pub of Little Hangleton Harry – see Potter, Harry "Harry Hunting" – a favorite game of Dudley and his friends Hawkshead Attaking Formation – a Quidditch move He-Who-Must-Not-be-Named – see Voldemort Head Boy/Head Girl – an honored 7th-year student at Hogwarts who looks after the affairs of fellow students; a school-wide honor with only one head boy and one head girl selected from the entire school. Headless Hunt – an exclusive membership of headless huntsmen ghosts who participate in hunt activities such as Horseback Head-Juggling and Head Polo. They will only accept into their membership those ghosts whose heads have been completely severed. Hebridean Black – a breed of wild dragon found in Britain Hedwig – Harry's snowy owl, a gift from Hagrid Heir of Slytherin – the true heir of one of the founders of Hogwarts (Salazer Slytherin) who could unseal the Chamber of Secrets, unleash the horror within, and use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic, especially Muggle-born witches and wizards Hengist of Woodcroft – a wizard depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series Herbology – the study of plants and mythical plants Hermes – Percy Weasley's owl that was bought for him when he became a prefect Hermione – see Granger, Hermione High Table – table in the great hall where Hogwarts faculty sits Higgs, Terance – the Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team [1] Hinkypunk – a creature with a lantern; on dark nights it leads lost people into bogs and swamps Hippogriff – a magical creature which has the head and talons of an eagle and the back, hind legs and tail of a horse "His Eyes Are as Green As a fresh Pickled Toad" – a poem written for Harry on Valentine's Day. [2] His Eyes are as green as a fresh Pickled toad, His hair as dark as a chalkboard. I wish he was mine, he's really divine, Our hero who conquered the dark lord. Hog's Head, The – the pub in the village where Hagrid won a dragon's egg [1] Hogsmeade – a town for wizards and witches. Visits to Hogsmeade begin in a student's third year at Hogwarts Hogsmeade Station – where the Hogwarts Express stops to drop off the students each year Hogwarts, a History – a book about hogwarts Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – school for wizard students ages 11-17; probably located in Scotland Hogwarts Express – train which takes students from King's Cross to Hogwarts Hogwarts School Song – a song led by Dumbledore which all the students sing, it has no rythm or tune and can be sung however one wishes: Hogwarts, Hogwarts, hoggy warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald, Or young with scabby knees, Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff, For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff, So teach us things worth knowing, Bring back what we've forgot, Just do your best, we'll do the rest, And learn until our brains all rot. Holidays With Hags– a book by Gilderoy Lockhart Homorphus Charm – charm which turns a werewolf back into his human form Honeydukes – the candy shop in Hogsmeade Hooch, Madam – head of Quidditch at Hogwarts, teaches first-years how to fly on broomsticks Hopkirk, Mafalda – employee of the "Improper Use of Magic" office at the Ministry of Magic Hornby, Olive – she found Moaning Myrtle's body. Myrtle haunted her until she got the Ministry to stop her. horntail – a type of dragon house – one of four dormitories the students are assigned to upon arriving at Hogwarts; houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin House Championship – a yearly contest between the four houses of Hogwarts House Elves – small creatures which work as servants in some wizard homes; they can only be set free when the master offers the elf a piece of clothing House Cup – trophy awarded to the House with the most points at the end of the year house points – points awarded to or taken from a house depending on the actions of its members Howler – a letter which yells messages at extremely loud volumes when opened Hufflepuff – a Hogwarts house named for one of the founders, Helga Hufflepuff Hut-on-the-Rock – a place Uncle Vernon takes the family to hide, where Hagrid locates Harry I Ice Mice – gum bought at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade that "make your teeth squeak and chatter" Ickle Duddeykins – a "baby-talk" name Mrs. Dursley uses to dote on Dudley Ickle Firsties – a name Peeves uses to mock first year students, meaning "little first years" Ickle Ronniekins – what Fred and George Weasley call Ron whenever they feel like making fun of him. "Impedimenta" – spell to freeze someone "Impervious" – a magic spell Hermione put on Harry's glasses so they would repel water during a Quidditch match "Incendio" – a spell used to start a fire "Imperio" – a curse to make someone do your bidding Intermediate Transfiguration – textbook for third year Transfiguration course at Hogwarts International Association of Quidditch – chaired by Hasan Mostafa Invisible Book of Invisibility, The – available at the bookshop on Diagon Alley... if you can find it Invisibility Booster – device installed in Mr. Weasley's car to make it invisible [2] Invisibility Cloak – shiny, silvery grey cloth which makes everything it covers invisible Ivanova – Chaser on the Bulgarian Quidditch team [4] J Jelly Slugs – a sweet sold in Honeydukes Jigger, Arsenius – wrote Magical Drafts and Potions [1] Johnson, Angelina – chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team Jordan, Lee – friend and conspirator of the Weasley twins; he has dreadlocks Jorkins, Bertha – a Ministry of Magic employee killed by Voldemort July 31, 1980 – the day of Harry Potter's birth (we know the date because of the letter from Hogwarts in Book 1; we know the year because in Book 2 Nearly-Headless Nick celebrated his 500th Deathday; we know he died on October 31st, 1492, making the date of the party October 31st, 1992. Harry was 12 in Book 2, so 1992 – 12 = 1980.) K kappa – water-dwellers which look like scaly monkeys with webbed hands; they strangle those who wade into their ponds. Karkaroff, Igor – the Headmaster of Durmstrang Keeper – position on Quidditch team, protector of goal kelpie – a water demon that lures unwary travelers into her pond, then devours them; Hagrid has to remove kelpies from the well [3] Kettleburn, Prof. – taught Care of Magical Creatures prior to Hagrid Kevin – toddler who uses his dad's wand to burst slugs [4] King's Cross – train station for catching the Hogwarts Express (at platform nine and three-quarters); an actual train station in London. kip – slang for "nap" or "sleep" Kiss of a Dementor – when the Dementors kiss you on the lips and suck out your soul knickerbocker glory – an English ice cream dessert. Click here for the recipe. Knight bus – bus which can be called upon by wizards in distress; summoned by raising the wand arm Knockturn Alley – a street next to Diagon Alley that is full of dark magic shops Knuts – little bronze coins, wizard currency; 29 Knutes to a Sickle Krum, Viktor – Seeker for Bulgarian Quidditch Team during the World Cup [4] Kwikspell – correspondence course in beginner's magic, generally a help for squibs and beginners who are having trouble. L Leaky Cauldron, The – shabby old pub and inn next to which is the entrance to Diagon Alley Lemon Drops (or Sherbet Lemons) – a muggle treat Dumbledore admits to being fond of, also used as a password to Dumbledore's office Lestranges, The – Death Eaters who are in Azkaban. [4] Levski – Cahser on the Bulgarian Quidditch team [4] Licorice Wands – a treat on the Hogwarts Express cart [1] lion – the mascot for Gryffindor Little Hangleton – the village where the Riddle family lived Lockhart, Gilderoy – Defense Against the Dark Arts in Harry's second year; author of self-glorifying autobiographies and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's "Most-Charming Smile Award" "locomotor mortis" – spell for the leg-locker curse Longbottom, Frank – father of Neville Longbottom, Aurors tortured by Death Eaters and currently in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Longbottom, Neville – forgetful and clumsy classmate of Harry's; a Gryffindor; his gran brought him up and she was a witch Lord Voldemort – see Voldemort Lovegoods, the – family that lives near the Weasleys, they arrived at the World Cup a week early [4] "lumos" – a charm to light the end of a wand (acts as a flashlight) Lupin, Remus J. – Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry's third year Lynch, Aidan – Seeker on the Irish National Quidditch Team [4] M MacDougal, Morag – sorted into an unknown house [1] Macmillan, Ernie – Hufflepuff student and friend of Justin's Macnair, Walden – a Death Eater and an executioner for the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. [4] Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions – shop on Diagon Alley Madam ____ – see last name of character Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] Mad-Eye Moody – see Moody, Mad-Eye Magical Me – autobiography of Gilderoy Lockhart Majorca – where Mr. Dursley wants to buy a vacation home [2] Malcolm – friend of Dudley [1] Malfoy, Draco – a Slytherin, Harry's arch-enemy at Hogwarts Malfoy, Lucius – Draco Malfoy's father, was a Slytherin at Hogwarts Malfoy, Narcissa – Draco Malfoy's mother mandrake – a plant which has a screaming baby on the end, the cry is fatal to all who hear it. A mandrake plant, when full-grown, is a powerful restorative used to return those who have been transfigured back to their original state. Marauders Map – a secret map that shows all the passege-ways at Hogwarts and all its occupants Marge – see Aunt Marge Marsh, Madam – a passenger on the Knight Bus who gets off at Abergavenny. Mason – Mr. Dursley's biggest client, the family visits the Dursleys for a drill contract [2] Maxime, Madam Olympe – headmistress of Beuxbatons McDonald, Natalie – first year Gryffindor in Book 4. McGonagall, Minerva – Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, head of Gryffindor and professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts McGuffin, Jim – weatherman on Muggle television [1] McKinnons, The – one of four families killed by Voldemort Medal for Magical Merit – an award given to Tom Riddle when he was Head Boy Medley, Laura – first year Hufflepuff in Book 4. Mega-Mutilation Part Three – Dudley's PlayStation game Memory Charm – Merlin – a wizard depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series, traditionally thought to have trained King Arthur merpeople – mermaids and mermen who live at the bottom of the lake in the forbidden forest Midgen, Eloise – a student at Hogwarts who tried to curse her pimples off and had to have her nose put back on. Ministry of Magic – in charge of keeping witches and wizards secret from the Muggles Mirror of Erised – a mirror Harry finds with writing that reads: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Backwards (or in a reflection) it reads: I show not your face, but your heart's desire. Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, The – the department at the Ministry of Magic of which Arthur Weasley is the head. Moaning Myrtle – a ghost who haunts the toilet in the girl's bathroom. She moans loudly and complains that no one likes her (which is probably true). Mobiliarbus – the magical way of moving objects Mobilicorpus – when someone can't walk on their own this magic makes it seem as if invisible strings are holding the person up Mockridge, Cuthbert – the head of the Goblin Liaison Office Modern Magical History – a book about the history of the magical world Monkshood – a plant used in potions which is the same as wolfsbane and also goes by the name of aconite Monster Book of Monsters, The – textbook chosen by Hagrid for the Care of Magical Creatures course for third-years. It will bite and run away from one unless it is stroked down the spine. Montague – Chaser on the Slytherin Quiddicth Team [3] Moody, Mad-Eye – Moon – student sorted into an unknown house at Hogwarts [1] Moony – the nickname of Remus Lupin as a student at Hogwarts Moran – female chaser on the Irish National Quidditch Team [4] Morsmordre – the incantation for the dark mark [4] Morgana – a witch depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series, traditionally believed to be the half-sister of King Arthur Mortlake – was taken away for questioning about "extremely odd ferrets" by the Committee on Experimental Charms Mosag – Aragog's wife Mostafa, Hasan – from Egypt; referee at Quidditch World Cup. Also Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch. Moste Potente Potions – a book in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library Mr. Paws – one of Ms. Figgs' cats that she bores Harry with Mrs. Norris – Filch's scrawny cat who helps keep the students in line Mudblood – an insulting slang term for a half-blooded wizard or a muggle-born wizard Muggle – wizard term for non-magic folk Muggle Protection Act – a law written by Arthur Weasley that prevents people of the magical community from using magic in a way that muggles can see or come in contact with. This includes the enchanting of regular muggle objects, such as keys and cars. (Mr. Weasley claims to his wife, however, that unless you are intending to use the object, the fact that the object could do something magical wouldn't matter.) ~Sara of Ravenclaw Muggle Repelling Charms – charms which prevent Muggles from stumbling into an unwanted area Muggle Studies – class taken by Hermione that deals with studying muggles. Hermione says, "It will be interesting to study them from a wizard's point of view". Mulciber – a Death Eater who specialized in the Imperius Curse. mulled meed – a drink ordered by Hagrid at Three Broomsticks. Mullet – female chaser on the Irish National Quidditch Team [4] N Nagini – a giant snake at least 12 feet long whose venom helps sustain Voldemort [4] ..Nearly Headless Nick (see also De Mimsy-Porpington, Sir Nicholas) – resident ghost of Gryffindor "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon" – the translation of the Hogwarts motto, translated from: "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" N.E.W.T. – the abbreviation of Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests Nimbus 2000 – a well-respected type of broomstick for flying Nimbus 2001 – an upgrade on the Nimbus 2000. Nagini – a giant snake at least 12 feet long whose milk helps sustain Voldemort [4] Norbert – a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon which Hagrid hatches after he wins an egg at a pub. Norwegian Ridgeback – a rare type of dragon, like Norbert Nott – student sorted into an unknown house at Hogwarts [1]; also the name of a Death Eater [4] "Nox" – a charm used to turn out the light on your wand after you say "lumos" O "Obliviate" – a memory modifying charm Obliviators – members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad oddsbodkins – a password used [3] Ogg – the gamekeeper at Hogwarts when Molly Weasley was at school. Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] Ollivanders – shop for wands on Diagon Alley Omnioculars – magical binoculars which allow instant replay, slow-motion and more One-Eyed Witch – statue which contains a secret passage to Honeyduke's One Minute Feasts– It's Magic – a book at the Weasley home [2] "Orchideous" – a spell which causes flowers to come out of the wand. Ordinary Wizarding Levels (O.W.L.s) – test taken at the end of the 5th year by students at Hogwarts owl post – means of communication in the wizarding world. Owls travel back and forth, relaying messages between wizards and witches. owls – birds used by the magical community to carry their mail P Padfoot – the nickname of Sirius Black as a student at Hogwarts Paracelsus – a wizard depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series; a 15th century Swiss alchemist also known as Theophrastus Bombastus. Paracelsus became more interested in "practical" applications of alchemy (in medicine) than in looking for the Philosopher's Stone. [John] Parkinson, Pansy – a Slytherin at Hogwarts parselmouth – a wizard who has the ability to speak to snakes; thought to be the mark of a Dark Wizard parseltongue – language spoken by a parselmouth Patil, Padma – a Ravenclaw and twin of Parvati Patil, Parvati – a Gryffindor and twin of Padma Patronus – an anti-dementor created by using the spell "Expecto Patronum" while thinking happy thoughts "patronus totalus" – Payne, Mr. – site manager of the Diggory's campsite at the World Cup [4] Peasegood, Arnold – a member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad Peeves – a Hogwarts poltergeist Pepper Imps – candy that makes you breath fire Peppermint Toad – a peppermint flavored candy, sister candy of the Chocolate Frog [Molly] Perkins – co-worker of Mr. Weasley's who suffers from lumbago [4] Perks, Sally-Anne – sorted into an unknown house at Hogwarts [1] "Peskipiksi Pesternomi" – spell used by Lockhart to get rid of destructive Cornish pixies (it doesn't work) "Petrificus Totalus" – spell for the Full Body-Bind, causing the subject to lie motionless (petrified) Pettigrew – a wizard who was a friend of James Potter in his school days Philosopher's Stone (see also Sorcerer's Stone) – a substance which turns any metal into gold; produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal; learn about the actual historical significance at http://tqd.advanced.org/2690/hist/alchemy.html phoenix – a bird that bursts into flames and rises from its ashes for a re-birth. A phoenix is a very good pet and it's tears can heal wounds. Pigwidgeon (or Pig) – a small owl given to Ron by Sirius Black Pince, Madam – the Hogwarts School Librarian PlayStation – item Dudley throws out the window when he's angry [4] plus fours – the large, blousy type knickerbockers that were used for playing sports (such as golf) that were popular in the 20's and 30's. They are called "plus fours" because they are cut four inches longer that regular knickers. [Christen] Pocket Sneakoscope – a very small spinning glass top which lights up and makes a high-pitched whistle when there is somebody or something suspicious around "Point Me" – a spell which causes your wand to act as a compass and point north Poliakoff – a Durmstrang student [4] Polkiss, Mrs. – Piers' mother [1] Polkiss, Piers – Dudley's best friend [1] Polyjuice Potion – a potion that makes a person change into a different person Pomfrey, Poppy – the stern school nurse at Hogwarts Pontner, Roddy – a wizard who bets on the Quidditch World Cup game [4] Porskoff Ploy – a Quidditch move Portkey – an object which is "used to transport wizards from one spot to another at a prearranged time." Potions – a class at Hogwarts taught by Severus Snape. Potions class teaches students how to make potions such as enlarging potions, bubbling potions, etc. Potter, Harry – a young boy who unexpectedly finds himself at Hogwarts studying wizardry Potter, James – Harry's father, a pure-blooded wizard Potter, Lily – Harry's mother who died protecting him from Voldemort; a muggle-born Powers You Never Knew You Had and What to Do with Them Now Youve Wised Up – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] Prang, Ernie – driver of the Knight Bus; "prang" means "to crash into" prefect – an honored senior student who helps with younger pupils Prefects Who Gained Power – a book which interests Percy in a junk shop in Diagon Alley Prewetts, The – one of four families killed by Voldemort Pringle, Apollyon – the caretaker at Hogwarts when Molly Weasley as at school. "Priori Incantato" – a spell which, when placed on a wand, causes the wand to identify the most recent spell that it performed ~Juliet Priori Incantatem – an effect which occurs when two wands of the same core material are brought into combat with one another, causing one to force the other to release shades of former spells. This effect is characterized by the appearance of bright, gold-colored threads which unite the two wands and encase their owners. ~Juliet Pritchard, Graham – first year Slytherin in Book 4. Privet Drive – the street where the Dursley's live, complete address is: 4 Privet Dr., Little Whinging, Surrey Professorhead – a name peeves calls Dumbledore Prongs – the nickname of James Potter as a student at Hogwarts Ptolemy – a wizard depicted on the Chocolate Frogs trading card series; his real name was Claudius Ptolemaeus. One of the most famous astronomers of ancient times. He lived from about AD 100 to AD 178, primarily near Alexandria, Egypt. He is best known for his book “The Almagest”, a compilation of all that was known about astronomy in his time. In the time of Ptolemy, astrology and astronomy were aspects of the same thing; Ptolemy is also known as the writer of the “Tetrabiblon,” the most important book about astrology from his time. [John] Pucey, Adrian – chaser for the Slytherin Quidditch team [1] Puddlemere United – a professional Quidditch team Puffapod – a plant that produces large, shiny pink beans, Harry, Ron and Hermione were working on shelling it together in Herbology. [3] [Sorcerer] Pumpkin Juice – beverage enjoyed by wizards and witches at Hogwarts and on the Hogwarts Express Pumpkin Pasties [PASS-teez] – a treat on the Hogwarts Express cart [1] pure-blood – slang term for a wizard born of two wizarding families Pure-Blood – password to the Slytherin common room [2] Put-Outer – a device used to turn streetlamps on and off, looks like a silver cigarette lighter [1] Q Quaffle – bright red Quidditch ball about the size of a soccer ball; 10 points every time a chaser gets a Quaffle through the goal hoop Quality Quidditch Supplies – a shop in Diagon Alley which sells broomsticks and other Quidditch supplies Quidditch – wizard sport played on brooms with four balls Quidditch Cup – trophy given to the winningest Quidditch team at the end of a season Quidditch season – begins in November Quidditch World Cup – international Quidditch tournament "Quietus" – the spell Bagman uses at the Quidditch World Cup to lower his voice Quigley – a beater on the Irish Quidditch team [4] Quirke, Orla – first year Ravenclaw in Book 4. Quirrell, Prof. – nervous, stuttering young professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts during Harry's first year at Hogwarts [1] R Railview Hotel – "a gloomy-looking hotel on the outskirts of a big city" where Uncle Vernon takes the family to hide (they stay in room 17) [1] Ravenclaw – a Hogwarts house named for one of the founders, Rowena Ravenclaw Red Cap – a creature that lives wherever there is bloodshed "reducio" – a spell which decreases the size of the victim "reducto" – a spell which blasts solid objects out of your way Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects – determines which items are allowed to be charmed and which one, such as carpets, are not "Relashio" – grindylow defense spell; shoots sparks above ground and boiling water underwater Remembrall – glass marble-sized ball which, when held, turns red to tell the holder if they've forgotten something "reparo" – a repairing spell "rictusempra" – a tickling charm Riddle House, the – home of the Riddle family in the village of Little Hangleton, it was "once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around." Riddle, Tom – the father of Tom Marvolo Riddle Riddle, Tom Marvolo – a young Lord Voldemort; born of a muggle father and a witch mother who died in childbirth "ridikulus" – a charm to make a boggart take on characteristics of a person or object the sayer is thinking of Ripper – Aunt Marge's precious bullhound Roberts, Mr. – a muggle and site manager of the Weasley's campsite at the World Cup [4] Romania – country where Charlie Weasley studies dragons Ron – see Weasley, Ron Ronan – a centaur in the Forbidden Forest Rookwood, Augustus – was a Death Eater inside the Ministry. He was in the Department of Mysteries. [4] Rosmerta, Madam – the barmaid at The Three Broomsticks Rozier, Evan – a Death Eater [4] Ryan – Keeper of the Irish National Quidditch Team [4] S 7th Floor – entrance to the Gryffindor common room St. Brutis's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys – how the Dursley's explained Harry's absences during the school year St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries – where Neville's parents are currently living Salem Witches' Institute – a group of American witches attending the Quidditch World Cup [4] Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] Scabbers – Ron's hand-me-down rat; fat, old and useless Scamander, Newt – wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them [1] Scops owl – a breed of owl, very small and used for "Local Deliveries Only". Secret-Keeper – a person who hides another’s secret so that no one will know about it unless the Secret-Keeper choses to divulge it. ~Meaghan Section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlock's Statute of Secrecy – any magical activity that risks notice by members of the non-magical community Seeker – Quidditch position for catching the Golden Snitch self-shuffling playing cards – a deck of cards that mix themselves "Serpensortia" – a charm used to summon snakes sherbert balls – candy bought at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade that let you levitate a couple inches from the ground while sucking on them sherbert lemons (see also lemon drops) – a muggle treat Dumbledore admits to being fond of Shooting Star – an outdated flying broomstick model Shrieking Shack – a shack located behind the Whomping Willow. One must push a button on the Whompin WIllow to turn it off in order to safely pass to the Shrieking Shack. Shrivelfig – an ingredient in magic potions, used in Shrinking Solution Sickles – silver coins, wizard currency; 17 Sickles to a Galleon Silver Arrow – a kind of broomstick that is no longer being made Sinistra, Prof. – teacher of Astronomy at Hogwarts. Her lessons are given every Wednesday at midnight on top of the highest tower. Sites of Historical Sorcery – book, quoted as saying that the inn at Hogsmeade was the headquarters for the 1612 goblin rebellion, and that the Shrieking Shack is the most severely haunted building in Britain. Skeeter, Rita – a sensationalistic reporter who always seems to know the scoop at Hogwarts [4] Skele-Gro – a type of medicine you take when someone has de-boned you. When you take skele-Gro your bones grow back, but it's painful. Slytherin [SLITHER-in] – a Hogwarts house named for one of the founders, Salazer Slytherin Slytherin, Salazer – the founder of the Slytherins house, a parseltongue. Smeltings – private school Dudley attends, Uncle Vernon's alma mater Smeltings stick – stick used at Smeltings to hit people with while the teachers are not looking. This is supposed to be good training for later in life. Smethley, Veronica – Lockhart fan to whom Harry was addressing a letter when he first heard the Basilisk's voice snake – the mascot for Slytherin Snape, Severus – Hogwarts Potions teacher, wants to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, leader of Slytherin House Sneakoscope – see pocket sneakoscope Snitch (or Golden Snitch) – the smallest Quidditch ball, gold with silver wings; earns 150 points for the team who catches it Snowy – one of Ms. Figgs' cats that she bores Harry with Sonnets of a Sorcerer – a cursed book, everyone who read from it spoke in limericks for the rest of their lives "Sonorus" – a spell that amplifies a voice Sorcerer's Stone (see also Philosopher's Stone) – a substance which turns any metal into gold; produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal Sorting ceremony – ceremony where First Year students are placed into one of Hogwarts houses Sorting Hat – an old wizard's hat which assigns new students to their houses at Hogwarts Special Award for Services to the School – a plaque given to Tom Riddle [2] Spell-O-Tape – the British equivalent of Scotch tape, used to hold Harry's glasses together S.P.E.W. – organization founded by Hermione to stop House Elf abuse [4] sphinx – a creature with the head and torso of a woman, wings of an eagle, and hind legs and tail of a lion. In Greek legend, she stops travelers along the road to Thebes,"What at dawn walks on four legs, at noon on two, and at dusk on three?" The answer is man. (Crawls when an infant, walks upright as an adult, and uses a cane in old age.) Those who did not answer correctly were devoured by her. When Oedipus answered correctly, she threw herself headlong over a cliff in humiliation.[4] -Thanks, Jordan Spinnet, Alicia – chaser for Gryffindor Quidditch team splinched – when a wizard Apparates improperly and leaves half of himself behind Spore, Phyllida – wrote One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi [1]; the prefix "Phyll" means leaf, and a spore is a single-celled reproductive organism that is resistant to drying out and heat. It's capable of growing into a new organism. The reason it's funny its that mushrooms reproduce via spores, and Phyllida Spore is the author of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi (fungi are mushrooms). Thanks to Cathy Weeks Sprout, Prof. – professor of Herbology (plants) at Hogwarts and the head of the Hufflepuff house; a sprout is a small or baby plant Squib – the child of two wizards who shows no wizarding ability Stan – conductor of the Knight Bus Standard Book of Spells – required text at Hogwarts ("Grade" indicates year – "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade One" was required for first year students, "Grade Two" for second year, and so on) Stebbins – a Hufflepuffs, caught in the bushes at the Yule Ball with Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw. [4] Stink Pellets – small items you throw which explode, releasing fumes that smell very unpleasant; they are sold at Zonko's joke shop in Hogsmeade. ~Cleo Stoatshead Hill – location of the Portkey for the World Cup closest to the Weasley home Stonewall High – the public secondary school Harry would have attended at the Dursley's [1] Study of Ancient Runes – a class taken by Hermione [3] "Stupify" – charm to stun creatures sugar quills – delicate sugar spun quills that you can suck on in class "and just look like you're thinking what to write next." (Ron, Book 3) Sold in Honeydukes. Summers – a Hufflepuffs [4] Summoning Charm – created with the spell, "Accio" Supreme Mugwump – any independent, especially in politics. If you remember, Dumbledore ignores what the Ministry says and teaches what he wants at Hogwarts. [Bailey] Swelling Solution – causes swelling when touches a person Switch, Emeric – wrote A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguarion T "tarantallegra" – a dancing spell Ted – newscaster on Muggle television [1] Thomas, Dean – a Gryffindor; a tall black boy and a fan of soccer who shares a room with Ron and Harry; he is a good artist Three Broomsticks, The – a pub in Hogsmeade Tibbles – one of Ms. Figgs' cats that she bores Harry with Time-Turner – a necklace with a hourglass on it Timms, Agatha – a witch with an eel farm who bets on the Quidditch World Cup game toad peppermint creams – Tom – bartender at The Leaky Cauldron Ton-Tongue Toffee – candy which causes the tongue to grow huge and heavy Toothflossing Stringmints – transfiguration (see also Transfiguration) – a spell which changes the nature of a person or object completely -– the molecular structure of the object is altered Transfiguration (see also transfiguration) – a class at Hogwarts taught by Professor McGonagall Travels With Trolls – a book by Gilderoy Lockhart Travers – a Death eater who helped murder the McKinnons. He was caught, but it doesn't say whether he's dead or in Azkaban. Treacle Tarts – basically crusts, bread crumbs, lemon rind, eggs, flour and golden syrup baked like a pie [thanks to Laura] ..Trelawney, Sybil – Divinations professor at Hogwarts; obsessed with dark predictions and death predictions. Hermione gets fed up with her and leaves her class. Ron and Harry think she is crazy. Trevor – Neville's pet toad who is always escaping from his owner Trimble, Quentin – wrote The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection Triwizard Tournament – a competition between three wizarding students, comprised of a series of three challenging tasks troll - Troy – chaser on the Irish National Quidditch Team [4] Tuffy – one of Ms. Figgs' cats that she bores Harry with Turpin, Lisa – student sorted into Ravenclaw at Hogwarts [1] Twig Trimmer – a device used to cut unruly twigs off your broom U Uncle Billius – see Billius Unfogging the Future – book by Cassandra Vablatsky unicorn – a horse-like creature with a horn coming out of its head. If you drink its silvery blood, it will keep you alive for a limited time if you are near death... at a price. You will have a cursed, half-life. It is faster than a werewolf and very graceful. It's hair is used in Potions. Unspeakables – members of the Department of Mysteries Uric the Oddball – mentioned in Binns' History of Magic class, a leader in the goblin rebellion V Vablatsky, Cassandra – wrote Unfogging the Future Vauxhall Road, London – where a Muggle variety store is located [2] Vector, Prof. – the Arithmancy teacher at Hogwarts. Vector is a mathematical term. veela – Veritaserum – a powerful Truth Potion that is extremely effective after only a few drops. It is so powerful that the Ministry of Magic controls it with very strict guidelines. [4] [thanks Zeldamaster] Viridian, Vindictus – wrote Curses and Countercurse (Bewitch your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying and Much, Much More) [1] Voldemort – powerful Dark Wizard whom most refer to as "You-know-who". He killed Harry's parents and left a thunder-bolt scar on Harry's forehead in a failed attempt to kill him as a baby. Volkov – Beater on the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team [4] Voyages With Vampires – a book by Gilderoy Lockhart Vulchanov – Beater on the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team [4] W "Waddiwasi" – a spell used by Prof. Lupin to send gum up Peeve's nose [3] "waddle bird" – used as a password to get into Gryffindor common room [2] Waffling, Adalbert – wrote Magical Theory and A History Of Magic Wailing Widow, The – a ghost that came to Nearly Headless Nick's Death-day party. wand – for magic (willow is good for charm work, mahogany for transfiguration) Wanderings With Werewolves – a book by Gilderoy Lockhart Warbeck, Celestina – singing sorceress popular on the Whitching Hour radio program Warrington – 7th year Slytherin entered name into the Goblet of Fire [4]. Also, a Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch Team. wattlebird – Gryffindor password [2] Weasley, Arthur – Ron's father, works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts department of the Ministry of Magic and enjoys tinkering with Muggle items Weasley, Bill – was head boy at Hogwarts, works for Gringotts in Egypt (Africa) Weasley, Charlie – was Quidditch captain at Hogwarts, in Romania studying dragons Weasley, Fred – twin of George, Gryffindor, Beater on Quidditch team Weasley, George – twin of Fred, Gryffindor, Beater on Quidditch team Weasley, Ginny – youngest Weasley and only girl, has a crush on Harry Weasley, Molly – mother of Ron, wife of Arthur, very matronly and worrysome Weasley, Percy – the Gryffindor Prefect, currently the oldest Weasley student at Hogwarts Weasley, Ron – youngest Weasley boy, Harry's best friend Weasley's Wizard Wheezes – product line of joke items invented by Fred and George Weasley Weatherby – name Barty Crouch calls Percy Weird Sisters, The – the people that play at the Yule ball, probably named for the three witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth [4] Weird Wizarding Dilemmas – a book Harry checks out from the Hogwarts library [4] Wendelin the Weird – a witch from the medieval times who loved getting burned and performing a Flame Freezing Charm; was burned forty-seven times in different disguises werewolf – a half man and half wolf creature Which Broomstick – book or catalogue (with order form in the back) which describes the different makes of flying broomsticks Whitby, Kevin – first year Hufflepuff in Book 4. Whizzing Worms – Whomping Willow – a tree outside Hogwarts that becomes violent against anything it comes in contact with Wilkes – a Death Eater killed by an Auror. Wimbourne Wasps – a Quidditch team, Ludo Bagman was a star Beater in his day [4] Wimple, Gilbert – works at the Committee on Experimental Charms "Wingardium Leviosa" – a spell to make things fly Winky – house elf who comes to work at Hogwarts [4] Witches Weekly – magazine for witches which has contest for most charming smile Witching Hour – a wizard radio program Wizard Chess – a game of chess with self-moving pieces Wizards Duel – a one-on-one fight between wizard's, a challenge Wolfsbane – a plant used in potions which is the same as monkshood and also goes by the name of aconite Wolfsbane Potion – a potion which makes a werewolf safe during the full moon Wood, Oliver – captain and Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team Wormtail – the nickname of Peter Pettigrew as a student at Hogwarts Wormwood – an herb that with it and ashphodel it makes a sleeping potion so powerful it's known as the "drought of living death" Wronski Defensive Feint – a Quidditch move, a dangerous Seeker diversion X Y Year With The Yeti – a book by Gilderoy Lockhart yellow – the color of the Hufflepuff Quidditch robes You-know-who – the term given to Lord Voldemort when people are too afraid to say his name Yvonne – Mrs. Dursley's friend, vacationing in Majorca [1] Z Zabini, Blaise – student sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts [1] Zograf – Keeper on the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team [4] Zonko's – the joke shop in Hogsmeade

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